River series Jenny Toh River series Jenny Toh

Navigating the Bends

The river is constantly turning and bending and you never know where it’s going to go and where you’ll wind up. Following the bend in the river and staying on your own path means that you are on the right track. Don’t let anyone deter you from that.
— Eartha Kitt, American actress

If you see your life’s journey as a river, what does your river look like?

Is it like a tranquil stream, peaceful and flowing smoothly, enriching the plants and animals on its banks? Does it look more like the rapids, ranging on powerfully and breaking through everything in its path with great force? Does your river meander, one that winds back and forth, rather than following a straight course? Is the flow of your river blocked with too many structures built on it to slow down its natural flow?

As I reflect on these questions, I realised that my own river has gone through all these stages at various phases of my life. It is currently in the phase where the flow of my river is blocked and restricted and there are bends to navigate in order for my river to flow smoothly again. I believe many of you are experiencing this phase right now due to the restrictions imposed on us during this season of the Covid-19 pandemic.

As a family, we are navigating the new school schedules and adapting to new ways of learning amidst requirements to conduct ourselves differently. My elder daughter is back at school this week and is adjusting to the various restrictions imposed on her for her own good such as putting on face masks or face shields and physical distancing. My other two children are still at home this week due to their timetables and learning virtually through the various online platforms. This is the “new normal” for them for the coming weeks, if not, months.

As for me, I will not be able to do in-person coaching and workshops even after the easing of our government’s restrictions on physical movements and interactions to avoid the second wave of the spread of this illusive virus. There are days when I feel frustrated and even trapped in my current circumstances. When I feel this way, it drains a lot of my energy and I start doubting my own capabilities. I have concerns about growing my business and my well thought up plans pre Covid-19 appear to be shelved indefinitely.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

How do I stay on my path despite my feelings of doubt and insecurity? I remind myself that it is normal to feel these emotions and not be hard on myself to “fix” my own emotions. Emotions are meant to be felt but they do not form my reality. They may cloud my view of my circumstances but these emotions are fleeting in themselves. It is easy to dwell on them and let them occupy our minds all the time.

We require discipline and focus to stay on our respective paths despite the foggy circumstances. As long as we are crystal clear on our goals and aspirations, we will eventually achieve them. The roads we take to get there may be longer, winding, bumpy, filled with potholes and we may have to take U-turns and rethink our routes. I strongly believe that I will reach my destination because I clearly know what I want and more importantly, the “why” of my aspirations. My “why” goes beyond my own personal needs and satisfaction. My “why” is that through coaching, I will be able to help and support many individuals to discover their “whys” as well and to live their lives fully to positively impact the lives of their family, friends and the communities they live and work in. This is how I stay focus on my path when my feelings attempt to distract me.

The famous author, Simon Sinek, poses the question on the importance of knowing your “why” in his book, Start With Why, “Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. By WHY I mean your purpose, cause or belief - WHY does your company exist? WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care?”

Knowing your “why” will make it easier to figure out your “how” - how do you work towards achieving your goals and pursuits? In organisational terms, how will you operationalise your “why”? Clarity comes when you are very clear on your “why”. Simon Sinek goes on to say that it is not that difficult to figure out your “why” but the main obstacle is to trust your gut and instinct over the outside influences and to stay true to your purpose, cause or belief.

How clear are you on your “why”? Do you have a vivid image of it in your mind that keeps you focused and committed to your path? Are you facing setbacks or struggling with difficulties to stay on course despite knowing your “why”? Are your fears and limiting beliefs holding you back? Are you are doubting your own instincts?

Do you trust yourself?

Let us help you uncover and rediscover your “why” which may be lost and buried due to the busyness in your life and constant demands imposed on you. Contact us to get started today by clicking here!

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General Jenny Toh General Jenny Toh

Grand Opening!

River Life Coaching is now open for business!

I’m so excited to let all of you know that River Life Coaching is now open for business. This business idea of providing life coaching services to individuals who are seeking to find answers to align their lives with their values and to live purposeful lives first came to me when I was going through a crossroad in my life.

Taking a risk!

I reached a point in my legal career where things were easy for me. Yes, there were stressful times as part of the job but there was never anything that I could not handle. You could say it was smooth sailing for me and perhaps, even complacency and boredom. I started asking myself, “Is there more to my life than this? What is my purpose? How do I live my life impactfully?”

I started thinking about my own strengths as a person. I’ve always been a good listener. My family members and friends have often come to me for my listening ear, support and encouragement. They knew that I would give them my honest opinion without any judgment. They felt safe with me. I always felt happy and fulfilled when I helped them see things from a different perspective or discover their own solutions to their challenges.

It was definitely not an easy choice to make, taking this leap of faith to train as a professional coach and to start this business. There were fears, worries and anxiety resulting from stepping out of my comfort zone. So, how did I stay the course?


I told myself to stay focused on my goal to start and build this coaching business. I also explored the “why” of my desire to start this business. It all stems from my desire to be a guiding light to those who seek fulfilment and purpose in their lives. This conviction is from my own personal walk of faith with God. I realised that by serving others in this regard, this is what makes my own life purposeful and impactful.

I would love to help you find your focus and your vision for your impactful life!

Special invitation…

For those who sign up for my newsletter in the month of April, you will receive a special 20% discount if you sign up and pay for any of my coaching programs this month. If you recommend my coaching programs to anyone else, you will receive a further 10% discount provided that he/she also signs up for any of my programs within this month. This special invitation will expire on 30 April 2020. Sign up now!

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