River series!

It’s been more than a month since the launch of the website! I’m grateful for all the support, encouragement and positive feedback that I have received from all of you. Do keep them coming! This blog will be the kick-off for my series of blog posts on various quotes and analogies of rivers.

“River knows this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday.” - A.A. Milne, author of the Winnie-the-Pooh books.

Yes, wise words of wisdom of Pooh, a teddy bear whom we all love and adore. His simplicity of thoughts and honesty of feelings are wonderful reminders for all of us in this day and age of constant busyness and hectic schedules. When was the last time you slowed down and really savoured your day? I recalled one afternoon when I was working furiously to finish drafting a legal document while working from home when my two daughters came into my room after returning from school. Instead of stopping and being fully present and listening to them, I brushed them aside, saying curtly, “Mummy has to work right now. Can the two of you leave me alone for now?” I then shifted my focus back to my laptop, not noticing the look of disappointment on their faces. It was only later that evening when I realised that I lost out on a golden opportunity to connect with my daughters when my youngest girl told me that I was so mean to them! If I had stopped typing, looked at them and listened to what they have to share about their day, that simple act would have created a keepsake memory for them. Looking back, it would have taken me only 10 to 15 minutes. I am sure if I had asked them then to let me carry on with my work, they would have happily agreed as they were listened to and understood. They were not brushed aside. They were acknowledged and respected as individuals.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

When was the last time you were truly listened to and understood?

If you said two days ago, you are one of the very few lucky people in this world. Most people are heard but not truly listened to. The other person is often waiting for their turn to speak.

I provide a safe space for you to speak your mind, share your thoughts and explore your concerns. I will listen to you without any judgment or preconceived ideas of what you bring to our coaching session. I trust that each of my client knows exactly where he/she wants to reach at the end of each coaching session. Sometimes, all you need to gain clarity and find your “a-ha” moments is when you share what is really on your mind and in your heart to someone who does not have any other agenda apart from being there with you, holding space and being fully present, listening to you.

There is no hurry, we will get there … for you live to life your purposeful life!

Do you want to experience being truly listened to?

Book an appointment with me to find out more. I would be thrilled to hear from you!


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Something's got to give...