The Extra Mile
“Put “going the extra mile” to work as part of one’s daily habit.”
My husband and I bought our son a Dell laptop for his Christmas present. It arrived on 28 December just as we were having dinner. My son followed the instructions provided in the laptop itself for Windows installation. Little did we know that what ensued would be so frustrating. Somehow, the Windows installation failed the first time and I spent almost 9 hours yesterday speaking to several Dell technicians over the phone, trying to get this resolved. Each technician offered some tips over the phone, sent me instructions over email and said they would call back to check. They never did and the issue remain unresolved. I was extremely disappointed with the outcome - my time was wasted; a brand-new laptop was useless and we were all tired and frustrated. Who would have thought software installation would cause the entire family so much grief?!!
I called Dell Support again this morning with the intent to arrange for a technician to drop by my home to resolve this issue or to return the laptop for a full refund. I got neither. Instead, a very patient technician, Ahmad, listened to my frustration. He explained that he could not arrange a technician for a home visit unless it is confirmed that it is a hardware defect. I didn’t want to listen as I was tired from yesterday’s experience. However, he took time to explain to me how he can help and agreed that his colleagues did not provide me with adequate information to handle the installation process by myself. He offered to stay on the line for as long as it takes until Windows installation is properly done. I was reluctant at first as I didn’t want to be tied up on the phone and going through everything I did yesterday but eventually, I agreed.
He did as he promised. He guided me throughout the entire process with precision and clarity. We were on the phone for almost 3 hours. At the end, Windows was properly installed on our laptop. I wanted to give Ahmad the commendation he deserves but he told me any positive feedback I gave would go to the technician who opened the ticket and he would not receive any recognition. I thought that was not fair so I insisted for another way to provide feedback about his excellent customer service. After much persuasion, he said I could email his manager about what he did for me today and I did just that. Ahmad’s humility, patience and professionalism made my day. Not only was the issue resolved, I felt valued and important. He took the time and effort to make me feel that I wasn’t just a ticket number but a person who needed help and he was the person to provide just the help I needed.
My experience with Ahmad and the quote from Bruce Lee above made me reflect on how we show up in our daily lives. Do we do the bare minimum as per the requirements, the job scope, the mandate, etc.? We go through the motions with lacklustre performance, thinking nobody cares. Why do I need to go the extra mile?
I don’t know with certainty why Ahmad went the extra mile for me whereas his other colleagues yesterday preferred to move on to the other customers waiting on the line and didn’t take the time to fully understand the predicament I was in. Ahmad said his other colleagues’ notes didn’t make sense and he took pains to understand what actually happened yesterday. He shyly commented that each technician has their own way of doing things when I praised him. He didn’t, at any point in time, say anything negative about his colleagues. That is admirable.
I believe Ahmad went the extra mile because he took pride in his work. Perhaps, it’s his personal work ethics to provide the best support to each customer. I know that by staying on the line that long with me, knowing that the credit will not to go to him but to another colleague, he was losing out on his performance indicators of opening new tickets under his name. Yet, never once, did I sense any resentment, impatience or reluctance in his voice. Perhaps, he didn’t see his job as just a job but an opportunity for him to serve, to help one customer at a time. Whatever his reasons were, he made my day and for that, I am truly grateful.
“Do more than is required. What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following? The extra mile.”
- Gary Ryan Blair, American author
As we wrap up 2021, I hope my post encourages you to keep going the extra mile in what you do even when during those thankless, mundane days. I’m sure when Ahmad woke up this morning, he didn’t think he was going to spend 3 hours on the phone with a frustrated customer. I’m glad he did because his simple act of treating my concerns with utmost care and importance inspired this post. When you do anything with integrity, with intent and with purpose, holding yourself true to your values, you will be noticed. You will be recognised. You will make a difference. I hope you believe that as you approach your life journey in 2022!
As Dr. Wayne Dyer puts it, “It’s never crowded along the extra mile.” Not many of us walk that extra mile but when you do, you’ll find that you will have true walking companions with you and you will never be alone. That’s what makes life rich and fulfilling. I hope to be one of your true walking companions and let’s have a conversation in 2022. Book my time here.