Emotions, Self Care Jenny Toh Emotions, Self Care Jenny Toh

Something's got to give...

Something's got to give.png

What comes to your mind when you read this quote? Do you feel that your life is unravelling around you during this period of uncertainty and anxiety? Is your life orderly and organised but yet, there is something in the background that doesn’t feel quite right?

Are you coping well with the circumstances in your life? Are you thriving or surviving?

I recently attended a webinar organised by the International Coaching Federation Chapter here in Singapore on Stress Management during Uncertainty. One of my key takeaways from the webinar was that it is perfectly fine to not keep pushing yourself to be on top of everything at all times. We all seem to be under pressure, derived internally and externally, to become better versions of ourselves during this “stay-at-home” period. We are telling ourselves now is the time to pick up a new skill or hobby, work even harder, take on new projects, be a better parent, nurture relationships with loved ones, cultivate enriching activities to keep our children occupied, take care of our elderly parents, reach out to people in need… the list goes on and on. I’m not saying that these aspirations are not healthy nor are they to be avoided. However, ask yourself… if you take all this on and more without really looking after yourself, what will happen to you as a person?

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Are you taking care of yourself? I know “self-care” and “be kind to yourself” are the buzz words that we share on social media and in our conversations during this period. I know that your “to-do” list is probably overwhelming now and I hear you saying, “What? You want me to add another thing to my list?”

Being kind to yourself doesn’t have to be a chore or another added responsibility. Just take some time to think about the things that make you happy and the activities that bring a smile on your face. They do not have to be anything extravagant and given the fact that we all cannot leave our homes now, the simpler your ideas, the better! For me personally, I love just having my coffee in the quiet of the morning before everyone wakes up. I also enjoy writing in my gratitude journal each night as this exercise allows me to reflect on the many blessings that occur each day and just be grateful to be alive.

What are some of your ideas for taking care of yourself? I would love to hear them! If you are struggling to cope or to carve out time to be kind to yourself, don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll be more than happy to provide you with a complimentary self-care quiz to encourage you to start thinking about this. You’re not alone! We are all in this together. I’m here to offer you support! “Something’s got to give. Don’t let it be you.”

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Emotions, Self Care Jenny Toh Emotions, Self Care Jenny Toh

Joy Triggers!

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” -Abraham Lincoln

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” -Abraham Lincoln

I was speaking to a peer coach the other day and spoke to him about my stress triggers. There has been a lot more of them recently given that my children and I are home all the time now. I’m having to juggle my time with their online lessons, worksheets, home activities together with my work and coaching sessions. I realised that I have been quick to be angry and annoyed with them especially when I am pressed for time. My girls have complained that I haven’t been a nice Mummy lately. Their unhappiness made me stop and think. This is not how I want to be when I am with my girls. My stress triggers occur when unforeseen events happen such as technical glitches on their online portals and not enough time for myself.

What can I do to counter my stress triggers? We are about as happy as we decide to be. It is all in our minds. We can choose to look at a situation from various perspectives. What perspective should I be looking at to serve me well? Whenever I find myself in the face of a stressful situation now, I remind myself to literally take a step back and breathe deeply and slowly. The key questions that keep coming up in my mind is, “How urgent is this situation? Why am I feeling rushed and anxious?” As you can guess, it has always turned out to be that the situation is not any more urgent than what I make it to be. This thought has helped me to centre myself and balance my emotions.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The idea of Joy Triggers popped into my mind when I was doing self-reflection several days ago. Instead of focusing on what causes stress in my life, I chose to be more mindful and notice the moments in my life that give me joy. My morning coffee before everyone wakes up. Hugging and spinning my youngest daughter around. Enjoying a snack with my elder daughter. Having a short chat with my teenage son during dinner time. Connecting with my accountability partner (you know who you are!) in the U.S. via Facebook Messenger on a weekly basis. Winding down at night with a catch-up conversation with my husband after our respective long work days. Penning my thoughts in my journal. Summing up my day in prayer and surrendering all to His care.

I’m curious to hear what your Joy Triggers are. What do they look like? How often do they happen? What can you do to protect them? Do you want to increase their frequency in your daily life? If the current situation in your life prevents you from having any Joy Triggers, we would love to support you to discover and rekindle them! Reach out to us today!

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