Standing Firm

An inspired painting done as a gift to me from my friend, Lisa Tan. If you like what you see, visit her Instagram page at

An inspired painting done as a gift to me from my friend, Lisa Tan. If you like what you see, visit her Instagram page at

Do you know what your core values and principles are? These are your '“non-negotiables” that serve as your compass through the various roads, including road-blocks, diversions and U-turns in your life. These principles are what you hold dear and close to your heart. Your core values create the essence of your identity. They form the basis and the foundation on which you build your life.

If you make a decision or commit to an action that is not aligned with your core values, you will feel a sense of uneasiness and discomfort. You may not feel it instantly if you are not in tune with your core values due to the busyness and distractions of today’s hectic pace of life. However, this sense of misalignment will eventually hit you because you will realise that something is not quite right with those areas in your life where you are not living in alignment with your core values.

Despite the ferocity of the current, a river is always moving but it’s always in the same place. And much like a river, while we should surge forward with great ferocity, our principles should never move.
— ― Craig D. Lounsbrough American Christian Life Coach and Author

This quote resonates with me because the author uses the river to illustrate clearly that no matter what we face in our life’s journeys, how strong and impactful our experiences may be, we will be able to hold firm to our core values and principles and continue to thrive, to flourish. There will be moments when we feel that we cannot stay afloat but when we draw strength from the essence of who we are and the values that we embody, we will be able to stand firm, growing and learning from these challenging moments in our lives.

I recently took the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test along with a few other personality tests just to gauge if my core values and principles have changed over time. I was quietly surprised and assured when I received my test results. I’ve taken the MBTI tests at various stages in my life and I’ve always obtained the result of being a Nurturer (ISFJ). A true introvert who is observant and pragmatic while being empathetic and has a strong work ethic. My strong work ethic and sense of responsibility have led me to my legal career as I believe in fairness and justice for all. My second wind in life was brought about by my trait of empathy and compassion. Being a coach enables me to understand and connect with individuals at a much deeper level than in everyday conversations. Coaching gives me a sense of purpose that is higher than my own personal desires.

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash

As a believer in the Christian faith, I know that this is my calling. By holding onto my core values of gratitude, honesty and a love for learning, I have been able to grow so much from the challenging circumstances and obstacles in my life. I always remind myself that despite the external circumstances that are beyond my control, God is in control. The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4: 11-12 (NIV), “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” This is how I stand firm when crisis hits! What do you draw on for your strength when you face difficulties and challenges in your life?

If you want to explore more about your core values and principles and work on aligning them in your daily living, reach out to us here today! We are more than happy to hear from you and find out we can support you to thrive and flourish through these unprecedented, uncertain times!


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