Bright Shiny Objects

Have you heard of the term “bright shiny objects”? It means something that is widely appealing or attention-grabbing for its superficial characteristics, but which is usually not useful, substantial, or long lasting. It’s also a phenomenon that new entrepreneurs go through as we are always looking new ways to grow our business and build our brand. However, if we keep searching for new things, we will end up distracted and losing focus on the vision of our businesses. It’s as though we are children always looking for the new toy to make us happy. We get bored easily when the toy ceases to amaze us. We don’t buckle down and really work on one thing. The cycle of never settling down continues each time we see another bright shiny object to pursue. The result of our chase is that we feel frustrated, demotivated and fatigued.


“I was about to take over the world, but then I saw something shiny.”

― Anonymous

I experienced this bright shiny object syndrome after I had completed my coach training certification program. I wanted to sign up for every “shiny” course on coaching specialisations as I didn’t want to stagnate in my development as a coach. However, I also felt frustrated and confused as there were so many courses out there that were bright and shiny! I sought the advice of my peer coaches and came to the realisation that I needed to slow down. There will always be courses on coaching specialisations. I don’t have to get caught up by the enthralling “lights”. Not every course is beneficial for me. Not every course will serve the vision of my coaching practice. I don’t need to keep enrolling in course after course just to improve my coaching skills.

Have you experienced the bright shiny object syndrome? Is it in terms of purchasing material possessions like the latest mobile phones, sound systems, cars or even upgrading your house? Are you always looking for something new and exciting to help you upgrade your professional skills? What’s the latest thrill that you are seeking to bring zest and vibrancy in your life?

What can you do to differentiate between the real thing and the flashy superficial object?

  • WAIT

    A friend once shared this sage advice to me. It was in the context of making online purchases but I believe it will apply to any circumstances where you are tempted with bright shiny options. “Just wait for 7 days,” she said, “If after the week is up and you are certain that you still want to buy that dress, just go ahead and buy it. If you are not 100% certain, then don’t do it as it’s not that important for you anymore. It was just something you thought you wanted right there and then. Time just makes everything clearer.”

  • WHY?

    Ask yourself the following questions when you are inclined to chase after that tempting shiny option:

    • Do I really need it to achieve what I want? E.g. Do I need to buy this latest sleek laptop in order to be a good writer? Do I need to enrol in this teaching course in order to be a better teacher? Your answers may still be yes but perhaps, it is something you don’t need to purchase right now or start this instance.

    • Can I afford this? Think of this question not only in terms of finances but also your time, energy and other obligations in life. What are the costs of taking on this bright shiny option?

    • Why do I want it? This question is different from the earlier two questions. It goes to a deeper level than the earlier questions which were meant for you to consider the implementation aspects. This question is for you to think about your real reason for wanting this bright shiny object. Is it really something that you have always desired? Is it something that is aligned with your values and beliefs? Or could it be that you are suffering from FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)? We all have FOMO. I was going through FOMO when I read of all the interesting online coaching courses. I saw that other coaches have many different certifications and I felt pressured (self-imposed, of course!) to add these certifications to my name. I didn’t want to miss out! Upon deeper thought and reflection, I didn’t need to enrol in any further courses now as the better approach for me is to spend time discovering my unique strengths as a coach. The only way to get that is to keep coaching and do self-reflections after each session. What is it for you? Is it something that you truly want or is it FOMO?

  • Wingman (or woman)

    What’s a wingman? The word is formally used in the air force. It means a pilot in a plane that flies just outside and behind the right wing of the leading aircraft in a flight formation, in order to provide protective support. In a social context, it refers to a male friend who helps you attract a woman at a pub or club. Generally, a wingman is someone who is there to support and protect you. Who is your wingman (or woman)? Do you have someone in your life whose opinion you respect and trust? You can always rely on this person to tell you the truth no matter how painful it is. She’s the friend who will tell you not to buy that dress because it is unflattering for your posterior. He’s the one who is there to help you weigh your investment options and prevents you from acting rashly. When you are faced with a bright shiny object, elicit the help of your wingman (or woman) to support you in your “Wait” period while working through your “Why” questions.

If you want to work with me as your “wingman” when faced with a bright shiny object situation, reach out to me here today! I will support you in retaining your focus and staying on track!

My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things.
— Bill Gates, American business magnate

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