What’s Your Superpower?

As it turned out, if you look at the history, everything in superhero comic books pretty much lies between Superman and Batman: Superman being the greatest superhero there is, and Batman being the one of the few superheroes who has no superpowers and is, in fact, not a superhero.
— Neil Adams, American artist
Photo by Dev on Unsplash

Photo by Dev on Unsplash

I’m more of a Batman fan. Why? Something about the darker side of him appeals to me. He suffered a terrible tragedy when he lost his parents. His rage for revenge initially consumed him but he turned it around and used it as a powerful, relentless motivation for him to cleanse the City of Gotham. It’s a fantastic turnaround story!

I also like the humanity of Batman. He struggles with his dark side. He puts up a facade when he is out and about as billionaire Bruce Wayne. He doesn’t let anyone get too close to him. He is still hurting.

Aren’t we all like Batman in some ways? We all have our secrets. We are worried that if people knew our secrets, they won’t like us anymore. We put up a brave front in public. We tell everyone that we are fine when deep down inside, we feel lost and empty.

One lesson we can learn from Batman is that no matter how broken we are, we can consciously choose to still do good in this world. We don’t have to be perfect to make a difference.

Anyway, my children and I were casually discussing the types of superpowers we would like to have. This conversation started when my girls asked me about why I enjoyed watching the reruns of Heroes. Heroes is an American TV series (2006-2010) set around the stories of ordinary people who discover that they have superhuman abilities and how these abilities take effect in the characters' lives as they work together to prevent catastrophic futures.

So, if you could have a superpower, what would it be?

My elder daughter said she would like to be invisible as she could move around unnoticed. She could go about doing the things she wanted to do without me or her teachers stopping her. As for my younger girl, she wanted the power of flight. She said it was tiring for her to walk to school daily so it would be so much easier if she could just fly there. She also liked the idea of flying as it’s just fun!

What powers did I choose? Well, I was toying between being a mind reader and having the ability to travel through time. If I were a mind reader, it would definitely make understanding people so much easier. It would be a great coaching tool too! As for time travelling, it’s something I’ve always been fascinated with as I’m a big fan of Quantum Leap, another American TV series (1989-1993). The hero, Dr. Sam Beckett, a physicist who leaps through space and time during an experiment in time travel, by temporarily taking the place of other people to correct historical mistakes. Each episode begins with the narrator saying, “Trapped in the past, Dr. Beckett finds himself leaping from life to life, putting things right that once went wrong and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home.”

I would travel back in time to correct my countless mistakes as well as prevent others from making bad choices in their lives. As I am a planner and struggle with uncertainties and the great unknown, my power of time travel will allow me to see the outcomes of the future and be assured that the decisions that I make today are the right ones.

What are our choices of superpowers really saying about our deepest desires? There is a common theme in the choices made by my daughters and me. Invisibility, flying, mind reading and time travel: we all want things to be EASIER. SIMPLER. My daughter doesn’t want to be nagged me when I catch her playing online games instead of completing her homework. My younger girl just wants to travel with ease and style! If I can read people’s minds, I can better understand their motives and intentions and it just makes relationships much easier to manage! As for time travel, I can erase my past mistakes and face the future without any fears. EASY, right?


“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for strength to endure a difficult one.”

- Bruce Lee, Hong Kong American martial artist

As you think of your choice of superpower, what benefits do you want to gain from this power? What struggles are you hoping for it to rescue you from? How will this power make your life better?

The reality is that we don’t have superhuman abilities. However, we have powerful minds. Our thoughts are what shape our behaviours and actions. The way we look at our external circumstances determines our reactions to them. If we adopt a negative outlook in life, it will seem as though almost everything that happens to us is bad and the universe is against us. If we seek the lessons and gifts from each difficult situation in our lives, we will develop strong mental muscles and will be better equipped to cope with future adversities.

We often allow the voices in our minds, our saboteurs, to hold us back from really doing what we want to do in life. These saboteurs lie to us by saying that they are protecting us from bad things, that we are not good enough and that we are better off just staying where we are and not try anything new. We want to move to higher level, sage thinking which ignites our powers of empathy, curiosity and purpose.

I run a 6-weeks mental fitness program which will help you recognise your saboteurs and equip you to move towards living your life from a sage perspective. The program is based on Dr. Shirzad Chamine’s research and book titled Positive Intelligence. The materials and exercises for this program are contained in a phone app which you can access at any time of the day. You will also benefit from weekly 30-minutes coaching sessions with me for the duration of the program.

The first step is to take the free Saboteurs assessment on the Positive Intelligence website (https://www.positiveintelligence.com/assessments/). If you find that the results accurately reflect your current ways of thinking and want to explore a different way of thinking, please reach out to me here to find out more about this program today.

Your Sage’s five great powers are (1) to Explore with great curiosity and an open mind; (2) to Empathize with yourself and others and bring compassion and understanding to any situation; (3) to Innovate and create new perspectives and outside-the-box solutions; (4) to Navigate and choose a path that best aligns with your deeper underlying values and mission; and (5) to Activate and take decisive action without the distress, interference, or distractions of the Saboteurs.
— Dr. Shirzad Chamine, author of Positive Intelligence

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