Shine the Light!

Have you ever set a goal and then failed to see it through to completion? This is a common occurrence for all of us. What are the possible reasons that prevent us from reaching our goals despite the best of intentions?

  • Lack of clear purpose of setting the goal in the first place

  • Lack of commitment and accountability

  • Fear and limiting beliefs

  • The goal is too vague or too big

  • The excuses we give ourselves

  • Failure to set a clear, specific and measurable plan to achieve the goal

Photo by Jason Strull on Unsplash

How can a coach support you to achieve your goals? These attributes in Competency No. 8 Facilitates Client Growth of the ICF Core Competencies shine the light on how a coach can do so:

  • The coach acknowledges and supports client autonomy in the design of goals, actions and methods of accountability.

  • The coach supports the client in identifying potential results or learning from identified action steps.

  • The coach invites the client to consider how to move forward, including resources, support and potential barriers.

The design of the goals and the steps to take towards these goals originate from the client. The coach helps the client see the goal clearly and addresses any limiting beliefs and fears holding him/her back from progressing in these goals. The coach partners with the client to plan and strategize his/her own accountability and support structures to stay focused and on track.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you imagined.
— Henry David Thoreau, American essayist, poet, and philosopher

What Makes a Goal a Reality?

  • Your goal must be believable to you. Do you believe that you can achieve your goal? If you do not have this belief, your goal is doomed to failure from the start.

  • You are clear on the purpose of your goal. Ask yourself, “Why do I want this goal?” Is it for you alone? Does the goal serve a wider purpose for the wellbeing of your family, friends and community? Are you pursuing this goal because it is what your parents want you to do? Be crystal clear on why you want this goal.

  • It is specific and measurable. You would have heard of the acronym SMART goals - goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound (has a deadline).

  • It is communicated to others. By sharing your goals with trusted individuals, you have the opportunity to clarify your goals and to seek support from these individuals.

  • You accept that there are internal and external roadblocks. It is a natural part of your growth and learning journey. These obstacles are not to be feared or avoided. You have the inner wisdom, resolve and resources to deal with them positively.

Once you understand your WHY - your reason for wanting to achieve these goals - you're 90% there! Do also consider if your goals are aligned with your core values. The more a goal aligns with your core values, the easier it will be for you to plan and work towards achieving it. This is not to say that we will not be able to achieve goals that are not aligned with our values but it is definitely harder to do and less satisfying. State your goals in the positive, e.g. “I want to be healthy at my ideal weight of 65kgs by 31 Dec 2020” rather than “I want to lose 10kgs by 31 December 2020”.

The following are some questions which you can ponder on to be clearer on your goals and to plan strategies towards achieving them:

Desired Outcome

  • What is it that you really, REALLY want?

  • What is the SPECIFIC outcome you're looking for?

  • What is the PAIN for you of NOT achieving your goal?

Alignment with your Values

  • Are the goals something YOU truly want, or are they something you think you SHOULD have or SHOULD be doing?

  • When you think about your goal, does it give you a sense of deep contentment, happiness and excitement?

  • If you could have the goal RIGHT NOW – would you take it? If not, why not?

  • How does this goal fit into your life?

Identifying Obstacles

  • What might you have to give up/stop doing to achieve this goal? Are you willing to do it?

  • If there was something important around achieving this goal, either to help you succeed or that could get in the way that you haven't mentioned yet, what would it be?

  • WHO will you have to BE to achieve this goal?


  • What resources (e.g. things, support from people, contacts, personal strengths, knowledge, skills, time, money) do you already have to help you achieve your goal?

  • What resources do you need to help you achieve your goal?

  • What will be your first small step towards getting the resources you need?

Photo by Samuel Clara on Unsplash

Remember your reason for wanting to pursue these goals. It is important to be kind and gentle with yourself. If you do not succeed at first, do not give up. Every setback in life provides an opportunity for growth as a person. By setting purposeful goals, you will be inspired to live life fully and intentionally.

Contact us today! We would love to partner with you in your journey towards achieving your goals in life!

The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.
— Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur


Trust the Client

