
Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place, and this too will be swept away.
— Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor and philosopher
Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

What feelings and thoughts are evoked when you see the word “time”? Are you feeling happy thinking of the available time that you have now to be able to do the things that you have put off doing? Does the word trigger feelings of anxiety and stress because there is so much to do within such a short span of time? Are there feelings of frustration and uneasiness because you are not able to resume your normal routines? Is there regret because you cannot turn back the clock to set things right with a loved one? Does the thought of what the future holds for you bring you expectant hope or worries and despair?

What does time mean for you?

Lexico.com powered by Oxford University Press defines time as follows (the list below is not exhaustive):

  • A point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.

  • As a verb - plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done. E.g. the first race is timed for 7:30a.m.

  • An instance of something happening or being done; an occasion. E.g. this is the first time the baby tasted ice cream.

  • The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

As I write this, it is the last definition that resonates with me the most. The events of my past, present and future are viewed as a whole. We tend to hold on to snapshots of our lives that make us happy and try out best to sift out and discard the unhappy moments. Some of us may have the tendency to look at life through rose-tinted glasses, holding on to an optimistic and wistful perspective of events and circumstances. There are others who only see the negative side of things and take the gloomiest possible view. Then, there are the individuals whom we admire - those who are able to maintain a balanced outlook in life, realistic and practical while remaining hopeful and resilient despite the unfavourable circumstances. Which category do you think you fall into?

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

As I reflect on the word “time”, the feeling of nostalgia fills me. Tomorrow is my 17th wedding anniversary. I chose the quote from Marcus Aurelius because it reminded me that the events in our lives flow like the river. As much as we want to hold on to a current feeling, a current event or even a person at that point in time, we are not able to. The flow of time will take it away and it is pointless to resist and fight it as it goes against the course of nature.

I recall the day my husband and I exchanged our wedding vows at Leicester City Council in a small quiet ceremony on a sunny, breezy afternoon. We had a simple lunch and spent time in the backyard of my husband’s home, looking at the flowers and bees and discussing our future together with excitement and anticipation. We were both young and idealistic then. After 17 years and blessed with 3 children, our marriage has grown and matured in so many ways. So have we as individuals. A small part of me wishes to hold on to that summer afternoon, for it not to be swept away. Things appeared simpler then. Perhaps, I am looking back to that day with rose-tinted glasses. The reality is that my wedding day was just a snapshot of my life. My husband and I have since had countless snapshots of the good, the bad and the ugly of marriage. If I were to keep holding on to that point in time, I will miss out on opportunities to be fully present to enjoy the here and now with my husband and my children. There is nothing wrong in reminiscing on the good old days but if we hold on to them too tightly, we are not living in the present and appreciating what we have now.

Are you holding on too tightly to a memory, an event or a way of life from your past? What are you not willing to let go of? What is keeping you from living life in the present with expectant hope for the future?

Reach out to us today to discover how to move forward in your life with gratitude and hope!


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